kia ora, i'm chrissy. i'm 18. i live in a small country called new zealand, it's possibly the most beautiful place on earth and it is home. i am a daughter, sister, aunty, cousin and friend. i love to love, and i will love you, i can pretty much guarantee that. i am loyal to the point of being unable to let go and move on, good and bad. everyday i dream of travelling the world and owning my own cafe , it will be filled with beautiful things including my friends. i am obsessed with op shops and can't resist a single pretty scarf or brown leather handbag. there are so many things i want to learn, like how to skateboard/surf/ski, speak another language (maori) play an instrument- any is fine and sew well to name a few. today i wish the most that i could complete something like taking a photo a day for a year. it's been done many times before, not at all original, but i think i might just do it.